Spirituality and the 12 Steps

Spirituality and the 12 Steps

The 12 steps are based on the premise of giving yourself to a higher power. This does not mean that they are religious, but more so that there is a spiritual aspect to working a 12-Step program. These programs can be incredibly beneficial to your recovery journey and goal of obtaining long-term sobriety. For this…

Common Misconceptions About Religion and 12-Step Programs

Common Misconceptions About Religion and 12-Step Programs

Many people tend to relate religion to 12-Step programs. While religion may factor into some, these programs are much more spiritual than they are religious. 12-Step programs involve surrendering and admitting your powerlessness over your addiction and your need for external help. Although there have been many misconceptions regarding 12-Step programs, they can be beneficial…

Why The Twelve Steps Work When Other Programs Fail

Why The Twelve Steps Work When Other Programs Fail

Few rehabilitation methods can compare to the success of 12-Step programs. Research has shown that a 12-Step approach offers significant benefits for people recovering from substance use disorder (SUD). According to Social Work in Public Health, “[Alcoholics Anonymous] and [Narcotics Anonymous] participation is associated with a greater likelihood of abstinence, often for prolonged periods up…